Managing health requires new tools
Managing health instead of managing illness is a disruptive view on what healthcare should look like in the future. This paradigm shift in healthcare requires new tools that can provide individuals and their healthcare providers with insights into their mental and physical health, allowing for the creation of personalized advice and interventions.
Many chronic diseases are linked to the gut and current methods for monitoring gut health are invasive and not easily accessible to the general population. The overall goal is to enable individuals to live healthy lives and prevent chronic illness. In its vision paper, the OnePlanet Research Center describes the development of new technologies to monitor gut health.
Enable individuals to live healthy lives and prevent chronic illness
Learn how the OnePlanet Research Center wants to tackle lifestyle-related diseases by using:
- Advanced sensors
- AI models to gain insights in nutrition, health and lifestyle
- Digital twins for diet and lifestyle recommendations
Multi-disciplinary collaboration
This vision paper also highlights the involvement of industry (food&beverage companies, pharma, and digital health providers), nutrition experts and technologists in the fascinating field of preventive approaches for lifestyle-related diseases.