Radboud University

Radboud University

What we do

Radboud University contributes to a healthy, free world with equal opportunities for all.

How we do it

Research and teaching at Radboud University are closely intertwined. Our researchers and students explore and push the frontiers of knowledge and expertise, giving true meaning to their findings. We educate students to become expert, committed, critical and self-confident graduates who help to shape society by taking on positions of responsibility in which they demonstrate their understanding of issues. We are active across a wide range of collaborative disciplines and ask questions about the relationship between academia, society and sense of purpose. We also provide space for open discussion on social and ethical issues.

We stand for the quality and freedom of teaching and research that are both independent and accessible. We encourage an open intellectual climate in which we inspire and challenge one another, a climate in which the talents and abilities of all individuals can flourish. Through rigorous, honest and transparent academic endeavour, we push the boundaries of our knowledge. We have the courage and responsibility to continually subject our findings and ideas to critical review. We reflect on our own actions and offer space for reflection to others.


Our society faces complex challenges that require interdisciplinary collaboration. This is why Radboud University has explicitly opted for strong and broadly defined disciplines and cooperation between those disciplines. The university assigns sustainability a prominent role in its research, education, and business operations. You can read about this and more in the university’s new strategy: ‘A Significant Impact’.

The strategy was developed with the input of students and staff. Departments will use this strategy to formulate their annual plans. Individual students and staff are welcome to contribute to the strategy as well. Together we can achieve a lot and make a meaningful contribution.
