Innoboot 2021 – OnePlanet session: Citizen science on nutrition & related technological solutions


You are what you eat’ is a statement first coined by Brillat-Savarin in the year 1826. For a long time, however, the importance of food in relation to health and healthcare has received little attention. This is slowly changing. That’s why researchers, entrepreneurs and other representatives of the healthcare and food sector will discuss the importance of nutrition for health and care during this year’s Innoboot. OnePlanet will host one of the interactive sessions: Citizen science on nutrition & related technological solutions.

OnePlanet session: Citizen science on nutrition & related technological solutions

In 2020 OnePlanet has conducted a citizen science research project focused on nutrition among citizens of Gelderland with a relatively low socio-economic status. What challenges and questions related to nutrition do they face? And how could technology help with solutions towards a healthier lifestyle?

In this session Alex van Kraaij (biomedical engineer) and Sander Hermsen (principal behavior scientist) will share the results of this study, but also brainstorm with the audience on how to incorporate these results in future technological solutions based on some exemplary solutions OnePlanet is working on. Care to join us?

Practical information

  • Date: April 22, 2021
  • Time: 13:30 – 17:00 (login at 13:25)
  • Location: online webinar (free)
  • Register here

About Innoboot

InnoBoot is a yearly event, organized by: BRISKR, Foodvalley NL, HAN, Radboud University and SMB



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