OnePlanet Research Center has committed to translate, disseminate and implement innovations to education and SME level in the region. The Open Education pillar of OnePlanet Research Center is an essential driver in our aim to join education institutions in preparing the next generation of innovators and practitioners.
Together with (business) partners, OnePlanet Research Center shares inspiration, knowledge and technologies with professional workers, teachers and students from a variety of schools, educational tracks and education levels in the region. By doing this, the knowledge and innovations developed in the Center will reach and be carried by society in Gelderland, and beyond.
The “ParkinsonNet” team has joined this collaboration to explore, together, how the health of parkinson patients can be monitored with sensors and AI and how these can feed into personal, digital dashboards. With these educational partners, we are actively working together with teachers and students on food- and health sensing. We can enrich the educational and learning goals and also use the development skills of the students in our own developments: ‘ learning by developing’. A partner like “Techadoptie“ and the Regional “HAN - Hogeschool Nijmegen” and the “ROC Rijnijssel”, “ROC Nijmegen” In the domain of preventive Health & Nutrition, OnePlanet Research Center is working with clusters of schools who have shared goals an ambitions. Take for example the collaborations with
Over the last couple of months, OnePlanet Research Center contributed through masterclasses for professional workers and teachers, and practical assignments that bring together both different educational tracks as well as different levels of education (Dutch education levels; mbo, hbo, wo) to generate solutions for questions regarding eating behaviour, (mental) health, coming from businesses and care professionals in the region. These type of collaborations are closely connected to the prioritized ”Roadmaps” of OnePlanet Research Center concerning health, eating-behaviour and mental well being.
This spring, OnePlanet will contribute to the upcoming Active Living event, to jointly look with students and other parties, how digital technology in combination with social interventions can help stimulate a healthy lifestyle.
The knowledge coming from these interactive, learning environments is very useful for students, teachers, professional workers and businesses, but also for OnePlanet Research Center. At the Center, knowledge coming from these collaborations can fuel research and innovation projects. When students team up with regional partners, they research how an end-user wants to receive certain data and how adoption of a technology could really be successful. These experiences and insights are very valuable for all parties involved en often lead to structural, long-term collaborations with OnePlanet research Center.