OnePlanet Research Center took part in a series of Open Education events during the first months of this year and will continue to do so in the future. Together with partners such as Farmhack, ICT Campus, Knooppunt techniek and education institutes in the Gelderland region, we contribute to- and co-design scrums and hackathons.
These gatherings allow students from different schools and backgrounds to develop concepts and applications, using digital technology, that contribute to a healthier and more sustainable world. The theme for this series is ‘Sensing the Future Farm’, during which students are challenged to explore how digital innovations can be altered and developed to measure what the farmer really needs and want to know. What if the farmer can gather the information that is really needed to introduce the right innovations on the farm that benefit both the business and the planet? Can students help the farmer to prepare for the farming of the future? To date, OnePlanet Research Center has contributed to three events in the region and is expecting to introduce an OnePlanet Research Center specific Hackathon later this year.